When Should You Reconsider The Amount Of Life Insurance That You Have
Life insurance is an important form of protection. It helps you to sleep at night knowing your loved ones will be taken care of if something happens to you. Your need for life insurance does not stay the same throughout your life. Reconsidering it from time to time will make sure you have the protection you need. At Breathe Insurance in Aliso Viejo, CA, we do our best to give you the peace of mind that comes from knowing you are protected from the bad things that can happen.
When You Buy A home
Buying a home is for most people the biggest purchase you will ever make. You likely will have a mortgage, and you need to have enough life insurance, so you don’t leave your loved one trying to sort out your estate with no money.
When You Get Married
When you get married, it is time to take a good look at your life insurance. You will probably be changing the beneficiaries on your policy anyway, so this is the ideal time to consider if you have enough life insurance to protect your spouse.
When You Start A Family
Raising a family is not inexpensive. If your income was no longer available, how would your family maintain their lifestyle? Having enough life insurance to provide the necessary income over a long period of time is vital. Experts suggest 7-10 years of your income in life insurance.
When You Retire
When you retire you may find you have a much smaller need for life insurance. If you have whole life you can decide to cash it in for the accumulated value. Be sure you have enough money or insurance to cover your last expenses.
Purely Insurance Solutions, CA if you have life insurance needs.